4 Apr 2021

Interview: Angelgoat (2021)

The notorious Black Metal horde ANGELGOAT have been making waves in the underground ever since their inception in 2001. The following interview was conducted with Unholy Carnager - the mastermind behind the cult.

Infernal hails! When you first formed the band, what kind of vision did you have in mind, and has it changed much over the years? What does Black Metal mean to you?

Hails! After the culmination of cognition, the vision of Angelgoat came to physical form in 2001. Since then, the changes were minimal, mostly some things were just upgraded, keeping the main form. I don't see that as something positive if the music or the concept keeps changing. In that case, I would make a new band, and when it's about Angelgoat, fans will always know what to expect: minimalistic, primitive and raw old-school Black Metal, with the sound that permeates from the late '80s / early '90s.

Besides Angelgoat, there were a few more visions, like playing melodic Black Metal, or even a Death/Doom Metal project, but somehow that never manifested, and probably never will...

Can you give us some information about the current line-up? If I'm not mistaken, “U Slavu Satane”(In Glory of Satan) was the last release to feature other members' input?

I always had a high criterion when it's about the individuals for the band. Only Devil worshiping musicians are acceptable and appropriate to share and contribute this vision. Due to the constant deficit of adequate members, I was mostly doing everything by myself. One of the rare, and only people besides me, was Occultum Malleus. The names of the new Devil worshiping musicians of the new line-up will be revealed soon. With the new release, of corpse.

How do you go about playing all the instruments and putting everything together? Is it a difficult process? How long have you been playing each instrument?

It all began in the late '90s, and it might come as a surprise, but my first instrument was a keyboard. Soon after that, I started playing the guitar, bass, and drums. But from the very start, my main focus was on vocals. “Vatropoklonstvo” (Fire Worship) and “Ustoličenje” (Enthronement) are the first songs I ever made. When I compose songs, I do it in a relaxed state, without deadlines and pressure. For my own pleasure, primarily. Playing guitar, writing down the riffs, playing, listening and doing the arrangements, riff by riff, until the song is done. A Guitar Pro is pretty handy thing, for composing and saving the music from oblivion. Many musicians use it...

It's quite obvious that you prefer the real thing when it comes to drums, hence you chose to play them yourself on your last two albums. I must also say that you pull it off rather well, as I enjoy hearing you smash the kit into oblivion on your albums. Is it an instrument you enjoy playing? And What do you think of programmed drums?

Yeah, blastbeats are my thing, haha. Also I prefer the “old blastbeat”, obviously. My main problem has always been the lack of rehearsal place for drums. Which is noticeable on the last 2 albums, although I'm hoping for better circumstances on the next recording... As I've already mentioned, my main occupation & pleasure is screaming, also playing the bass guitar, and for the last few years, destroying the drum kit for sure. Programmed drums can be OK. In my case, I use them in Guitar Pro as midi paths for my tracks, but I always value real drums, even sloppy, instead of programmed drums...

How would you describe the musical progress between each album/release? Are you happy with the results of your latest album, “The Lucifer Within”? What does it represent lyrically and what are some of your favourite tracks? It's actually one of my favourite black metal albums of the year.

The progress between all the albums/releases can be taken from some aspect, but in a way, they are all the same to me. There's a slight difference and progress in production and sound on each release, but generally not much has changed and that was the goal. Every recording won't be the same, different studio, different drum set, etc., but basically it's the Angelgoat sound.

Yeah, I'm generally satisfied with the results. As usual, something remains unfinished, but there's always a next recording. Anyway, there's a special satisfaction and a feeling when it's known that it's finally recorded 10 years after the material is even made for that album. The lyrics even longer... And when it's about the lyrics, the lyric of the “The Lucifer Within” track speaks of something inner, that inner belief, the thing I carry in my inner-self and what is the essence of me. The rest of the lyrics are of similar thematics: Satanism, occultism, Goat worship, anti-christianity, blasphemy, desecration, perversion, death... I I think “The Lucifer Within” track have the strongest riffs, it's a self-titled track for a reason. One of my favorite tracks from the album, as it represents Angelgoat's style in it's best light (darkness). It's the same with the self-titled track from the U Slave Satane” album. “The Night of Ritual Debauchery” has a special vibe and atmosphere. I'm also very pleased with the intro, and aside from the tracks I've already mentioned, the tracks that could also be singled out a bit more are “Supreme Satanic Will” or ”Glory to the Horns”... Some tracks are maybe more dear to me than the others from the album, but all the tracks are very special to me. The track which is a bit different, is the ”Black Goat Semen”, where my brother Nekro of Goat Terrorism made a great contribution to the album with his guest appearance. Cool, I'm really glad to hear that...


How do you manage to conjure such an heavy and evil guitar tone?

It was a real revelation when I tried the Metal Zone MT2 for the first time many years ago. That was it and I'm still using it more then 20 years later. The slight difference between the sound on the albums are the different guitars. Ibanez on 1st, Jackson on 2nd, and B.C.Rich on the third album. Some minimal adjustments in mastering and that's it. The sound of Angelgoat that will be heard on all future releases.

Tell us a bit about your vocal approach. Do you practice regularly? What's some of your biggest inspirations?

Only the vocals on “U Slavu Satane” album were recorded after rehearsing it with a full line-up. And that recording session was basically just me screaming for about half an hour... All the things are done in a sort of “punkish” style, on “1,2,3 and record”. All other recording sessions are done the same way, but just without the rehearsing. Similar with recording the instruments... Which is not OK, for sure, but that's the way it was. My vocals reached maximum before I even started recording anything. But, I was forcing it and I've destroy it years before the first recording. No particular influence nor inspiration...

Tell us something about where you grew up and what the metal scene was like in your area.

Vrbas is a small town, former industrial center, about 25000 people, really nothing special. And the metal scene was always pretty weak. Besides Angelgoat, there was one more Black/Death/Trash Metal band, but just for a short period existed, with the one rehearsal demo. There was one good Trash/Speed Metal band called Toxic Trace, split up some time ago, and now there's just one more active similar genre band called Haste...

Has the NATO bombing of Serbia had any impact on the nature of your music or influenced you as a person?

No, no, I would never use the lyrics of such nature. There's no place for politics in music, by my opinion, but even generally I do not remember that there were some Metal bands with such lyrical thematic. Although some non-metal bands, yes. In general, people in Serbia are embittered cause such act, bombing and destroying, and the certain hate to USA definitely exists. I'm not indifferent on such idiotic behaviour, but it had no influence on me...

Musically, what are some of your biggest influences? Are you influenced by any Serbian bands?

A big influence is Beherit, of corpse. The band I respect the most. There are more bands that had an influence on me, bands like Mayhem, Darkthrone or Marduk (some certain periods/albums only) but I never wanted to have any sound influence by any band under my work. Maybe Angelgoat have a similar sound to some of the aforementioned bands, but there was never such an intention, just simply creating the music I worship. No influence by the band, only by the Devil, hah!

When it's about the Serbian scene and bands... Maybe I could mention Heller, Serbian Speed/Trash Metal band from the 80s. Often I use one comparison when I speak of Heller – What's Sodom for Germany, that's Heller for Serbia.

I have noticed a trend among the online community of metalhead sheep to hate on certain cult bands with the intention of impressing their peers. It's contradictory in how some of these people can apparently listen to bands that were influenced by the bands they bash. It makes no sense at all. Your thoughts?

Like you said it well – a sheep, as everywhere else, there's always some smart guy, spoiling and trolling. Not even worth the attention, but let's say few words about them, when we are already speak of them. I guess it's a wrong way to elevate themselves in society, so they strive for trolling. A lot of cult bands that are literally the firms today, and all they do, they do for the money. It's a business now, and it's not the same bands from the beginning. Without the same passion, feeling, the essence,... nothing is the same. Anyway, it's a reason for someone to take the opportunity and express his “opinion”. Whatever that opinion may be. But again, such persons should not be given attention.

Tell us a little a bit about how you perceive Satanism. Do you believe in Satan as an actual deity or is it more of a personal symbol that reflects your darker side? Do you approach it as a religion? What brought you to this path?

After many years of practice of Satanism, in many forms, the Occultism in general, exploring, discovering and learning, the certain attitudes about this matter are built. I believe in Satan, with those personal views of mine, but this is a topic which I don't tell much about.

As concern of religion... Satanism can be considered as sort of religion, of corpse, but definitely not as one of the religions today. Generally it's all based on smaller cults, or an individual practitioner which is often the case... My case, for instance.

Strange are the ways of the god” some says, but even stranger are the ways of Lord Satan who brought me to this path...

What are 10 albums you can't live without?

I'll mention some of my favourite albums and releases in general. Beherit – “Drowning Down the Moon”, “Dawn of Satan's Millennium” EP, Archgoat - “Whore of Bethlehem”, although I worship more the earlier works, more dirtier, like the “Jesus Spawn” demo, or “Angelcunt” EP, or unreleased EP “Hymns To Darkness”. But the sound on “Whore of Bethlehem” is just awesome. Bestial Raids - “Prime Evil Damnation”, but all releases are really great, a great band. Beastcraft - “Into the Burning Pit of Hell”, the sound is amazing, but I also worship 2 previous demos maybe even more. Mayhem – “Deathcrush” demo, earlier works, also live albums like “Live in Leipzig” or “Mediolanum Capta Est” remained into remembrance. Darkthrone – “Under a Funeral Moon”, but I was into later albums quite much, like “Ravishing Grimness” or “Sardonic Wrath”, and I've stopped listening the band after that album... Marduk - “Those of the Unlight”, special feeling when this album is about, although I prefer more period with Legion. Astaroth - “Sklavengott”, but also the EP “Christenfeind”. Heller – “Heller”, the best Serbian Speed/Trash Metal album ever, and as the last, an album that left a special impression on me, and that is “Some Wounds Bleed Forever” from the Stone to Flesh. Demos are recommended as well...

What is your stance towards social media? Many people seem to take full advantage of these platforms to promote their bands to the fullest and some become overnight rockstars. I have noticed though that you mostly prefer to stay out of the spotlight, which is respectable.

I find myself communicative and I like to chat and hang out, I'm active on some Metal forums, but when it's about social media like Facebook or similar, I would rather use my time better. When it's about the band, it's enough to have one official web presentation (a must have today), which will also be as prevention of the circulation of disinformation and all kind of crap on the internet. Who wants to find me or Angelgoat on the internet, he will find.

If I recall correctly, you attained a serious injury some years ago (I think you fell or something). Could you please specify exactly what happened and how long it took you to recover?

Yes, it was almost 11 years ago by now, and some consequences are still present, which causes health problems for me from time to time. It was about 98% recovery, but still, it was a fall from 10 meters height. Not much to tell, too much beer and shitty luck. Big price I had to pay, took me quite some time to recover and return to normal life. But that's the past now. The worship of the Angelgoat continues.

I appreciate the black and white covers of your albums, and I'm glad you didn't opt for colourful artworks like so many modern black metal bands seem to do. How important is the visual aspect and why do prefer the more simplistic approach?

The simplistic approach to the covers is a logical and natural choice for this kind of music. (And also by my taste, of corpse.) The minimalism is something that permeates my life and is something that can be heard in the music I make. My approach to composing riffs is straight-forward. It's the same with the covers, simple essence and that's it. The visual aspect is also very important and definitely it should be some ultimate photo/image for the cover. The album cover should speak for the release.


Your thoughts on the following:

Monotheism - Belief in one god, but from different points of view. Many names, but basically it's the same. From the christian side or from the other, Satanic side. Fuck god - hail Satan!

US Politics - US politics are some of the most idiotic for sure. Like most politics, of course, but these idiots are definitely the worst. Waste of time and words on this topic...

Anton LaVey - Anton LaVay was smart (Aquarius ascendant) and with the energy of Ram, he was achieving his goals. But many Satanists don't see his philosophy/religion as Satanism. Neither I had a positive opinion about him and his work, and also don't find it as Satanism, but after studying a bit deeper, he had a few valid points in regards to other things. There's a certain respect, but there's a lot of other minds I would rather study.

Nergal/Behemoth - Ok, few words and opinion about Nergal of Behemoth. As a Gemini, I see him as person variable nature and a versatile person. Great guitarist, very smart, with some his views I agree, with some I’m not... I respect him cause his Crowleyanity...

What are some of your favorite albums from the last 10 years? Do you have any favorites from 2020 so far?

Some titles really worth mentioning, that I can think of right now... Perverted Ceremony - “Sabbat of Behezaël”, Doombringer - “The Grand Sabbath”, but demos and EP are also definitely worth checking out, 13th Moon - “Abhorrence of Light”, with 2 previous demos...

From 2020., "Death Clan OD" from Serpent Noir, in which I've enjoyed pretty much.

As I understand it, you recently moved to Belgrade. So far, how's experience with the metal scene and people there? Is it a nice city to live in? Are there any like-minded manijaks with a penchant for Satan and morbid Black/Death?

Yeah, the relocation was necessary to improved the functioning of the band and a greater worship of the Goat! Serbia is a small country, and sadly only 2-3 towns actually lives. No life in small towns. For about 20 years I was visiting the Belgrade, gigs and friends, and I already had some contacts there, the adequate individuals and option now to gather the horde for Angelgoat, so that was the best solution. Also when it's about the question of job – more options. But every start is hard, so maybe next release will took some time, but expect it for sure 666%!

I could keep going, but I'll stop here for the sake of everyone's well being :) Few people have the patience to read a 60 question interview. Can you imagine that? Well, I hope you had a good time with these questions. Tell us about your future plans and where all the maniacs can get hold of your merchandise and music. Slava Angelgoat!

Hahah, you are definitely right there, no one likes the long interviews... Except the few maniacs as you say. Yeah, it was a cool and really nice chat with you, and thanks for the great support. Keep checking the updates on official website, some great news coming up soon! Slava Satan! Slava Angelgoat!

31 Mar 2021

ALBUM REVIEW: Uncreation - Overwhelming Chaos (2017)



Uncreation - Overwhelming Chaos (2017)


Blasphemous Art Records

"Overwhelming Chaos" is the debut full-length from Italy's Uncreation and was released in 2017. For some time now, I've been neglecting to check out the band's work, but I'm glad I did because their debut album is an addictive, hardened slab of sadistic Death Metal that slays on all fronts. The band employs a sound that hearkens back to the early '90s, that brings to mind the golden era from bands like Morbid Angel, Benediction, Bolt Thrower, etc. They may draw influence from the aforementioned bands, but manage to infuse their own devilish gene, as the songs on this album are replete with sinister cadences and an horripilant atmosphere colder than Jack Frost's balls. Everything is seemingly well-arranged, with a maelstrom of incendiary riffs, pounding drums and vicious growls -- all culminate for one emphatically crushing debut album. The artwork on this release was done by Paulo Girardi and represents the seven-headed beast from revelations. He definitely did a great job as the menacing aura of the music and artwork go extremely well together. All in all, if you're looking for some decidedly solid Death Metal that's more or less akin to getting your head stomped in by a giant beast, then "Overwhelming Chaos" will undoubtedly do the trick. For fans of: Cruciamentum, Dead Congregation, Ritualization. (HT)

30 Mar 2021

Interview: Bestial Holocaust (2021)


The following interview was done with Sonya Sepulchral - former vocalist of Bolivian Black/Thrash cult Bestial Holocaust.

Hails S.S.!!! How do you find yourself in these turbulent times of uncertainty, where our lives are governed by institutions and monarchies that seek to impose their pernicious laws upon us? Are we truly “free” as humans?

S.S. - Greetings HT! There are constant changes to which one must adapt to. My life continues connected with my passions between music, art and other important aspects. However, it has been hard to cope with the situation mainly due to the economic factor. Humans again have to learn to live with another planned virus, one more pandemic in our world history. I am part of a society with its rules all over the place, with its religious foundations that are divided for each weak and fickle human species. I am in the opposite current and I am proud to have been consistent in all these years of struggle against the system, my own family and third parties who tried to break my ideals, I will never be part of them in their beliefs and much less allow myself to be manipulated with stupid speeches ever. No human being is free if he is not a master of himself. Today the word "freedom" is used and exalted as a fundamental principle, a word that is sealed in everyone's mouth. There are those who export this word through war to bring "democracy", there are those who created this pandemic to wallow freedom for shitty money, there are those who cause chaos in the imperious freedom, some drown their own lives in drugs to feel free, others reach the orgasm of freedom by putting a bullet in their own skull. In an age where technology behaves like human beings and humans look like robots, we are constantly being hunted by those who want absolute dominance. We are part of their political plan and they try to distract us all the damn time. Those who don't understand are lost in mental slavery.

What's the main motivation for expressing yourself through such a fanatical outlet such as Black Metal?

S.S.- There are ideological positions that simply cannot be explained in words. That unfathomable force is either in you or it is not. That motor will be the impulse for everything that flows naturally and Black Metal has inspired me to express all that sea of thoughts and visions for this world. Cogito ergo sum! I reflect myself on these virtues, since I discovered this Art in my life, I made it the primary core of my actions. Many people think that the behavior of an individual is based on what you hear or read, many times it is not like that, we will not always be the product of something that was circumstantially transmuted.

Your last full-Length, “Into The Goat Vulva,” was a maniacal onslaught of pure Black Witching Metal. What can you tell us about the recording conditions of said album and how long it took to record and compose those songs? Are you happy with the result?

S.S.- Thank you for your words! The songs were already composed in advance, we just waited for the right moment to materialize them. The recording process with this album was enigmatic, certain situations were dreamlike, few would understand. A vital force and an exalted energy helped us, to make everything happen regardless of the mortal barriers. We got a Chilean drummer to record the album, regarding that, I must say it was a wise choice for B.H. The guitarist traveled weeks before to be able to rehearse with Dead on drums, I traveled later to finish vocals recording. Everything was very fast, in a few days the album was ready, although my vocal conditions were not optimal because I had a bloody cold that left me hoarse, anyway, I managed to do the album in a record time. We will be eternally grateful to Pablo Clares for his dedication and professionalism. He is the owner of DM6 Recording Studio who did an excellent job on the sound of this record.

Bestial Holocaust's music radiates pure malevolence in every way possible. What were the most important ideals in how you presented your music? Furthermore, how important is the attitude of a band?

S.S.- This question would be more appropriate for the guitarist since he was the founder, leader and composer of all music, I took care of the lyrical theme. However, there is a determining truth in a band, when there is something to be said through this black art, it must be exposed and disseminated accordingly. So it happened with B.H. The attitude in a band is important in all its forms, fire and oxygen are two essential elements. Music and attitude cannot be a dualism, otherwise the result is pure empty nonsense garbage.

Many people categorize Bestial Holocaust as Black/Thrash. Are they correct? From your own perspective, how do you classify the music?

S.S.- The first demo "Odio y Muerte" was a primitive old school Death Metal, with subsequent releases the style shifted towards a more direct personality. The first album was in a more Black metal vein with passages already characteristic of the band. With the second album, our music evolved towards a more sicker direction (both musically and lyrically.) The criticisms from the media involved, they cataloged us as a Thrash / Black band. The style of the band was already somewhat solid with the third album, but unlike the previous one, the energy of this album was totally dark and foreboding in all its bark, the most appropriate style is how everyone feels it, we played dirty and classic Black/Thrash.

Do you ever see yourself play any other types of music, such as Death Metal and Heavy Metal?

S.S.- Yes, I am a crazy 90s Death Metal Maniac and I would like to participate in a project play drums. Regarding heavy metal, I enjoy few and select bands, that's all.

What inspired you to become an extreme metal vocalist and what are some of the pros and cons of being a singer? You also play the guitar and drums if I'm not mistaken?

S.S.-It all started in a project of some acquaintances, at that time I was more interested in playing drums, but since I had no experience, I limited myself to observing rehearsals. I remember that day, they were playing a Burzum cover "War", and the bassist was in charge to sing. Finally, when his break time came, I grabbed the microphone and told them to play something, I immediately started singing. I was screaming like a witch in her ritual in a crazy way, one of the boys said: hey! That sounds demonic! From now on you will be the new vocalist, and that's where it all started. My inspiration was very natural, my voice was "sick" and there was no other style that suited my timbre other than Black Metal. The rehearsals became more frequent, there were plans to record, compose... You know, all that initial adrenaline of the moment. We managed to play several concerts, we shared the stage with Terrorist, a band from Argentina, I had to play bass at the last minute, I learned a song in a few hours without knowing how to play strings. Later other concerts came and it was in some of them that the B.H.'s guitarist heard me sing. For reasons that it is no longer important to mention the project did not work, they all followed different paths. Anyway, I had learned a lot by myself, my voice had matured, I didn't have any vocalist as inspiration. When I was already part of Bestial Holocaust, I understood that being a vocalist was not at all something that could be taken lightly, it required care and other ways to grow the way of vocalizing without losing the particularity. I am very grateful for everything I learned without a doubt. Currently I play the guitar in a very, very precarious way to compose, I am able to reach the note that is in my mind to be able to put together a song. Regarding the battery where my skills are more acute. I have always been very passionate about that instrument. In fact, I worked years to buy one, but I was rarely able to use it, now I do it more frequently.


What is your stance on Satanism? Do you perceive it as an actual religion, or is it something else entirely far removed from the former?

S.S.- What humanity has always achieved since its inception has been to catalog and name a thought, and then impose it as something imperative according to its benefit. Satanism should not be taken under any religious dogma. For me, it is an unique state of being and a very individual way of existence that goes beyond mortal perception and is against human training. For years I stand firm against all this wave of lies and mental ties. Learn to think for yourself without falling into manipulation, that your fight is frontal.

What are some essential authors/books that had a profound impact on you in how you perceive existence? What kind of books are you interested in?

S.S.- I have read different authors among them: Arthur Schopenhauer, (Freedom), Charles Baudelaire (The Flowers of Evil), Voltaire (Treatise on Tolerance), Carl Gustav Jung (Psychology and Alchemy), Aleister Crowley (The Book of the Law and Others), Friedrich Nietzsche (The Antichrist and several more), Lovecraft, Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler and etc.... However, none of these books has influenced me to discern my existence. Knowledge must be interpreted to draw one's own conclusions. When this putrid world welcomes our flesh, life is like a "virgin" book and we write our history with blood through the experiences we live. Some time ago, I delved more deeply into books on spiritualism and other deep readings.

I've met quite a few people who were cynical about the legitimacy of females as far as their devotion to metal. How do you respond to such feeble thinking, and also, are there any other woman in extreme metal that you admire?

S.S.- This has always been quite a contentious issue, ignorant machismo still persists in many empty heads. Metal has no gender. It is clear that there are more men in this underworld, and women have always been judged for being a woman. Prejudices and moralities are intriguing topics within this circle. Personally, I observe the behavior of both sexes, there are few women who have earned respect with their actions, and others who deserve to be sodomized from all orifices. Today extreme Metal is undergoing a regression due to indoctrination and the useless image of appearance. Many girls take advantage of this to show off their butts with pride, identifying that prostitution as a false and degrading rebellion, just as male musicians confuse the attitude of this art with clown behavior. Unfortunately, even the modern age of internet has expanded this shit that is increasingly governed by this deformation. Those who respect this Philosophy of life should not drool behind these whores or applaud those clowns. The guillotine is ready to roll the heads of those puppets, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman. I know very few women who have my admiration, among them: Laura Macias (Hella / Bassist of Thornspawn and founder of Maledictvs. Of course, I also like bands where women are integrated like: Adorior, Derketa, Mythic, Demonic Christ, Valhalla, Tunjum, in infernal war and others that do not come to my mind.

What can you tell us about your respective work with Only Death Is Real 'zine? When did you first start editing the 'zine and what have you learned from the whole experience?

S.S.- I started on this dystopian path with Only Death is Real Zine 15 years ago, with the firm objective of supporting all maniacs directly involved with Underground's feeling, under my personal selection. In those times the ink and paper was the law. In my first and second issues, I sent and received fully handwritten interviews, it was a double job at the time of transcribing it, but the pleasure of doing it was priceless. I received many letters, many promotionals from bands in Europe, United States and South America. I made real friends with maniacs devoted to black metal, metalheads who to this day continue their activities without fainting. I edited 2 issues with editions limited to 200 copies that were duly spread, the support for my work was enormous from the bangers. The learning was about everything from improving spelling and grammar to diagramming minute details with greater precision. I had a couple of bad experiences with ripping off idiots. Surely those bastards have stopped listening to metal. I had the idea to edit the third number in those years but I couldn't do it. Time passed and I am working again to achieve my goal and bring my zine to life. I have a lot of interview material to do it. If there is devotion and passion for what you do, time will not be a problem.

It seems like a lot of people nowadays underestimate the importance of 'zines, and you can see that in their attitudes and how they conduct themselves (Particularly younger bands.) How crucial is the role of 'zines, and what do you make of these shitty attitudes? Do they deserve our support or not?

S.S.- It is easy to draw a conclusion from the outside, especially from young people who have not experienced an iota of all that underground movement. The fanzine belongs to a time, where all this music was rooted with loyalty to Underground's word, passionate whose purpose was to spread the black art of many bands, and thanks to that support they managed to cross borders. It felt a rebellious attitude and freedom of thought. In those years, Metal was not overshadowed by the hypocrites in which it is oppressed today, many mouths are infused with the word "old school", but the actions of these corpses are the opposite of their sermons. Old school means not opening your butt to modern sodomy, keeping traditions intact and carrying them forward with pride and conviction, as some persevering away from the obsession with making money still do. You have to have good judgment when listening to new bands, the support should in no way be condescending and blind. Whoever does not respect the value of a good zine or worse, denies its existence can go to hell. We do not need "rookie" from an age determined by progress and lobotomized by the use of technology as drug. On the other hand, today the "critics" who philosophize about Metal are journalists who write for big magazines, places where objectivity and sincerity are blackened by censorship and violated by conformity, in addition the jungle called "web" is full of sites that have the same problem mentioned above. Fortunately, time is the supreme judge who has always managed to disappear them.

What is your opinion on the mentality of people who throw hissy fits when they get bad reviews for their music? Are such actions justifiable or should people be more open to criticism?

S.S.- We have to be aware that we are living in an era of absurd competitions, many bands seek recognition in well-known media and are intolerant of honest and critical reviews, there is no maturity at all. If a review is constructive, of course it has to be received as such, even if it is not entirely to your liking, if they are only unfounded writings full of ignorance there is no reason to pay attention to it. In addition, we agree that personal tastes are not the same for everyone, a band cannot be liked by everyone, de gustibus non disputandum est. I know people who do not appreciate the first Sarcofago records, that is sacrilege for me, but it is their choice, while they don't throw shit on it, for me that's fine. Today few people who are really wrapped up in the mystical essence of this magic, and the catastrophe is that most of those who write sentences calling them criticism, have turned Metal into journalism, you can understand it too. An album is not "judged" only by the music, but also by the energy that it is capable of emanating, and the critical spirit that one must have to avoid prejudice or morals. For example, most reviewers / judges will never have the personality and objectivity to be able to write a thought about a NS band, because they are subject to indoctrination from society and spit shit anyway. In addition to the rampant inability to write, envy is also added, many snakes vomit venom just to denigrate a band.

Fear of the PC brigade has turned everyone into apologetic little bitches. There's literally no danger in extreme metal any more. How do you perceive this whole phenomenon?

S.S. - Exactly. I think avoiding problems and controversies has become a requirement for pacifist metalheads. That attitude of representation no longer exists. The fear of expressing ideas becomes a disease. Where is the extreme? That this does not remain in words. People ingratiate themselves with everyone for being accepted in a "circle". It is clear that those who do not defend their ideas, or, they are useless or their ideas are empty, and we cannot be intimidated by idiots whose hands are glued by cum to a keyboard. The thought must be linked to the verb Militancy, we must be the boot that crushes these larvae. We must not hide behind the misanthropic idea that is often masked by fear of acting. This extreme music was born to tear down any docile and condescending dogma or thought. We are wolves never sheep! A few weeks ago I posted a resounding rejection of junk people who use metal to wipe their ass with their modern ideas, I was aware that I would get a lot of shit against me from those worms. There are thousands of cowardly parasites hidden without honor. NO FEAR!! ZERO TOLERANCE!! If my truth offends like a razor, I am satisfied with it. May they hate me as long as they fear me. 


Have you discovered any killer bands from the last few years that you enjoy and also recommend? What about the scene in Bolivia? Any newer bands from there worth checking out?

S.S.- Lately I am listening to new albums by bands that I know like: Inquisition, Azarath, Incantation, Impiety, Impurity, Horncrowned… ect… On new or relatively new bands to recommend would be: Wolflust (Brazil), Malakhim (Sweden), N.N.M. (Italy) Evil (Japan), Hexorcist (United States), Sacrocurse (Mexico), Genuflexion (Argentina), Morbosatan (Peru) and oct...

The scene in my country in recent years has strengthened, there are new and interesting bands, fanzines that are being published consecutively, organizations of independent material fairs and concerts of great interest. Unfortunately, as everywhere, these types of activities are temporarily frozen by the pandemic. Anyway, it is a pleasure to see that warrior spirit resurfacing in the devils soul. Some of the bands that I recommend are: Sepulchral Pest, Supay, Werewolf, Profanador among others.

What are 10 albums you can't live without?

S.S. - let see...

1.-Storn of the Light s Bane (Dissection)

2.-Cold Steel…for an Iron Age (Destroyer 666)

3.-Bathory (Bathory)

5.-Penetralia (Hypocrisy)

6.-Nifelheim (Nifelheim)

7.-Killers (Iron Maiden)

8.-The Nocturnal Silence (Necrophobic)

9.-Into the Infernal Regions of the Ancient Cult (Inquisition)

10.-INRI (Sarcofago)

Tell us a bit about your art: how long have you been drawing and how would you describe your style? Have you done any art for bands? What are some of your favorite artists?

S.S.- Since I can remember, I have always been fascinated by painting and its colors, drawings and its forms, over time my inclination became more evident with surrealist art, I also like bizarre art. Personally I see this part of the human artistic space as something magical, cosmic and hidden, I could not describe it otherwise. I started drawing a few months ago, it was something unexpected to discover that I had that talent dormant for so many years. I do not have a particular style due to my little experience, I am a self-taught draftsman, but hyperrealism catches my attention, later I will probably try to merge it with the surrealist style. Well, I did a couple of logos for two bands, I have a few more requests pending. My favorite artists are: Jean Delville, Francisco de Goya, Leonora Carrington, William Blake, Zdzisław Beksiński, Salvador Dali, Vergvoktre and etc ... in extreme metal artists that I admire are: Mark Riddick, Chris Moyen, Alan Pérez (Peru), Gilbert Miranda (Costa Rica), Daniel Corcuera (Chile), Daniele Valeriani (Italy), Paolo Girardi. 


Lastly, how do you foresee the future in relation to your activities? The last morbid words are yours.

S.S.- I have several plans in my mind with my zine and my personal project. As soon as I have something physical you will be the first to know. I appreciate the support of all those crazy maniacs who still hold Bestial Holocaust in their minds. In this universe of extreme metal only the true devils will resist against any modern storm, the weak will die like flies in their failed attempt to belong. NO REGRETS! NO REMORSE! NO FUCKING COMPROMISE!!

Thanks for your support! it was an interesting interview, I enjoyed it!

I invite you demons to visit my two pages where you will find interesting information.



4 Jan 2021


The following interview was done back in 2016 with Texas Death Metal act, CHURCH OF DISGUST. 

Hails! To get this interview started, can you please introduce yourselves and tell us what Church of Disgust is all about, your influences and how the band came together.

Dustin: Hails! Church of Disgust is now based out of Texas and Florida, and we play rotten death metal. We started in 2010 to write some filthy shit and it grew from there! Through several lineup changes, we have now arrived at our strongest lineup of Joshua Bokemeyer on lead guitar, Dwane Allen on drums, Travis Andrews on bass, and myself on guitar and vocals. We try to maintain a healthy mix of influences, without any being to heavy, we're definitely not looking to be another copycat, or a glorified cover band marketing themselves as paying "worship" or "tribute", there's enough of that already!  Some bands we love include Rottrevore, Morbid Angel, Slugathor, Cenotaph, Cianide, Bolt Thrower, etc.....

In the beginning and on your debut album you performed as a duo. What made you recruit extra members? Do you work better as a four-piece?

Joshua: I believe we work better as a four piece. With more members, more input. We are always into trying new things to expand our sound and to push us as musicians. 

Last year, you released "Dread Ritual" on cassette format under Headsplit Records. How did the collaboration came about and what are your thoughts on tape format?

D: I initially met that sick fukk Dylan from Headsplit as a fan of his label/band and the music he was releasing.  After some discussion he learned of my band after we released the Unworldly Summoning album and offered to do a release for us.  Headsplit is one of my favorite labels going!  From new underground bands to re-releases of lost gems from the 80s/90s for those who can't afford to shell out insane amounts of money for rare original pressings, they keep it sick!

As for the tape format, I myself am quite a big fan of it.  I'm not an audiophile with my nose up at anything that isn't vinyl, I grew up listening to tapes, they're convenient and relatively inexpensive to purchase and produce.  Of course, the counter-argument to that would be that digital files are much more convenient and that's fine, I just prefer owning physical copies of all my music.  Some collectors even look down on CDs, which I can't wrap my head around either....my collection is made up of tape, vinyl and CD, I'm not so picky!

Tell us a little bit about the tracks featured on "Dread Ritual." Are you satisfied with the final outcome?

J: I love the songs and the entire process. Mixing and mastering was a little messy. As far as the recording, it was fun and a learning experience, as always crunched on time and trouble shooting our asses off. 

D: The Dread Ritual tape features three tracks-"Dread Ritual", "The Pursuing Horrors" and "Staph Terrorist".  The first two songs are the first songs written as a four-piece band.  "Pursuing" is my personal favorite, I think it's the most dynamic and representative of where we want to go as a band.  "Staph Terrorist" is a cover of the legendary IMPETIGO.  We got the blessing to do it from Mark himself, and both he and Stevo said we did a killer job, so that was a huge honor for us!

As far as I can tell, your themes are heavily inspired by horror literature and movies. Given that, what would you cite as some of your all time favorite books / horror films?

D: Yes, I do draw heavy inspiration from books mainly, notably the writings of Brian Keene and H.P. Lovecraft.  Lovecraft of course needs no introduction, but for the uninitiated, Brian Keene is a modern horror writer, and my favorite current author.  He created his own universe/mythos of a race called The Thirteen, not unlike what Lovecraft did with his Cthulhu Mythos.  Our upcoming album draws heavy influence from this, and I highly recommend checking out his work if you enjoy sick horror.....Darkness on the Edge of Town, The Conqueror Worms, Dead Sea and Urban Gothic are all worth checking out.  

We do also draw some influence from horror films as well, favorite horror films would have to include I Drink Your Blood, Evil Dead 2, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Zombi 2, Blood Feast, Night of the Living Dead-1990(call it blasphemy, but this is a fucking great remake!  Hail Savini!), Halloween, City of the Living Dead, Tombs of the Blind Dead....

What are you listening to nowadays? Have you stumbled upon anything worthwhile as of late? What are your thoughts on the current state of the underground?

D-While the classicks are in constant rotation on my turntable, there's lots of outstanding death metal coming out today worthy of anyone's time and attention!  Off the top of my head, I've really enjoyed recent releases from Sewercide, Solothus, Denial, Steel Bearing Hand, Koroidia, Desecresy, Undergang, Expander, Cruciamentum, Blaspherian, Ectovoid, Cardiac Arrest, Druid Lord, Anatomia, Torture Rack, Cryptic Brood, Amputator, and so on!  

As for the underground itself, I'd say it's in a very good place, for the most part.  There's so many great bands releasing ripping shit, it's near impossible to keep up.  The internet has become a blessing and a curse.  It's great in that it's made it infinitely easier to find new bands, and correspond with like-minded individuals world-wide.   Because of the internet, I found out later in life about some lost gems from the 80s/90s that I never would have found otherwise growing up in a small north Texas town.  The shitty part is that as a result we now live in a disposable age where you can listen to(and write off) so many bands in the course of a day, the special feeling of hunting down and finding a great new band isn't the same, I'm sure.  It's also made it a lot easier for posers and "scene tourists" to infiltrate the underground and push their bullshit PC agendas.  

I'm sure plenty of the old guard may disagree with me since they grew up in the "glory days", which is fine.  I'm in my 30s, so I missed the days of tape trading, and the infancy of extreme music.  I'm sure those were truly special times that can never be replicated, but I'm here now, and that's what I'm interested in.  I've met some true die-hards that I'm still in contact with to this day, whether it be through email, phone, or exchanging letters and music from other countries....so the passion is still there, no doubt.  There are some not so great things happening, like PC crusaders getting bands kicked off shows and fests, shit-stirring clickbait "metal journalism" sites like MetalSucks spewing their bullshit, and some classick bands getting back together for the wrong reasons, when their heart and passion is no longer in it and putting out lackluster albums.....but there are also plenty of these legendary bands still doing it with passion and for the right reasons!  That was a long answer, but I'd say that 2016 is a good time to be a fan of extreme music, all things considered.

Do you have any interesting or crazy experiences to share with us regarding touring or any live gigs you've played?

D-My favorite story is still when we played Austin, TX in early 2015, we saw a guy get punched out during our set, for being a "fucking poser"(the guy's exact words, we found out after our set)........I'd like to see more of that going around! 

Aside from Death Metal, what other styles of music do you listen to? What about cult '90s Black Metal like Mortuary Drape, Varathron, Maniac Butcher, etc.?

J: Pretty much anything that inspires me to play or record. I'm a big fan of black metal especially raw bands that aren't afraid of stepping out of the norm. 

D: I worship death metal, but I listen to other stuff as well, you have to!  Inspiration can come from anything for me, not just death metal, as long as it has passion, and riffs, in most cases!  Coming up in small town Texas, I grew up with a family that listened to country music and classic rock, and I still enjoy both to this day.  I also enjoy jazz, blues/ragtime, classical, etc.  I do enjoy some black metal, as long as the riffs are there!  Interesting that you mentioned Varathron, they just played the Destroying Texas Fest in Houston this month, I wish I could have made that show, I heard they were savage!(along with MORTEM, arrrrrgh!)

Tell us a little bit about your recording equipment and whether you switch it up between releases? Are you specific with the type of tone you try to achieve? 

J: Our recordings have grown with our DIY studios. The first releases were very primitive but we have slowly acquired more studio gear and knowledge. These later releases and upcoming LP are a combination of me and Dwane's gear so we have a getting a good mic locker going. We run pretty lean on the digital side of things and experiment along the way. Dread Ritual was the first COD release where we mixed every drum and had it mastered. 

Would you consider death metal as a type of 'taboo' seeing as that many people outside the genre consider people in such type bands as negative or 'mentally-deranged'?

D: While some of those sentiments still linger in the USA, I'd say that extreme music doesn't quite have the same mystique surrounding it as it did 20 years ago.  We now live in an age where Hollywood makes films about the the black metal scene in Norway/Euronymous murder, and a popular cartoon about death metal musicians!  However, in areas of Texas and Florida you'll still get the bible-thumpers and people who hate (but actually fear) those going against the grain, so to speak.  Otherwise, I've given up trying to discuss or explain this type of music with outsiders, as their response is usually a blank stare or judgmental look.

What is your stance on bands with political themes? In your opinion, does politics have any place in metal?

J: I don't look too deep into it or personally care. Just don't try to force your views on me.

D: With the exception of some grindcore bands, I'm not so interested in bands that push political agendas.  

Give us a list of 10 albums you can't live without.

D: fuck!  Off the top of my head....

Morbid Angel - Blessed Are the Sick

Cenotaph - The Gloomy Reflections of Our Hidden Sorrows

Kiss - Destroyer

Impetigo - Horror of the Zombies

Waylon Jennings - I've Always Been Crazy

Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes

Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak

Cianide - A Descent Into Hell

Black Sabbath - Master of Reality

and they're not quite albums, but work mentioning - Divine Eve - As the Angels Weep and Imprecation - Theurgia Goetia Summa (Hail Texas!)

Do you currently have any merchandise available for people to get hold of? How should people make contact if they have any inquiries? What are your future plans and when can we expect another attack of uncompromising Death Metal?

D: We have a VERY limited supply of shirts and tapes left, they can be ordered at http://churchofdisgust.bigcartel.com  Any inquiries/correspondence can go to marchthehorde@gmail.com or our shitty Facebook page.  

As for new material-we have completed recording of our second full-length album, entitled VENERATION OF FILTH.  It's gonna be a real monster, Putrid Matt will be doing the artwork, Memento Mori is releasing the CD, Headsplit Records is releasing the tape, and No Posers Please! is releasing the vinyl!  Expect it in late 2016/early 2017.  Also on the way, Dread Ritual 7" EP, and a split with Cryptic Brood from Germany.  

Thank you for your time! Any parting words to properly close this interview?

D: Eternal thanks for this interview, thanks to all the fiends who took the time to read it.  Veneration of Filth is coming, worship depravity!  Death metal or die!

J: Thank you! Support metal Everywhere!

EP REVIEW: Wargrinder - Ironclad Destroyer (2020)

Wargrinder – Ironclad Destoyer (2020)


Helter Skelter Productions

Wargrinder is a band I've been following ever since their debut album, “The Seal of Genocide.” Basically, they're one of those bands you either like or don't. I personally enjoy the kind of fast and merciless Black/Death style played by bands like Arkhon Infaustus, Angelcorpse, Perdition Temple, etc. Wargrinder falls in that category. The latest EP, “Ironclad Destroyer,” is a continuation of their style from “Tank Tread Doctrine.” The songs on this EP are crushing and blisteringly fast for the most part, but do occasionally plunge into more mid-pace territory that go well with the chugging guitar parts. There are no solos, although the music sounds good enough without them. The EP is also supported by a solid production job, which makes sense, since a good production is mandatory for this style. Brutality-wise – on a scale from 1 to 10 – Wargrinder gets a 11. Every song hits you harder than a Mike Tyson knockout. Everything on this release is exceptionally well-arranged with immaculately timed performances all around. If this is the first you read about Wargrinder, then I guess it's obligatory to point out that everything is played by one person named Terry Eleftheriou. Once again, he did an amazing job. I just republished an interview I did with Terry back in 2017, so maybe give it a read to understand what the band is all about. “Ironclad Destoyer” was released by Helter Skelter Productions on CD format. Buy or die. (HT)

3 Jan 2021


The following interview was done with Terry Eleftheriou a.k.a. Warhead - the sole maniac behind WARGRINDER.

Hails Terry! To get this interview underway, please give us some info about your past and current musical activities.

I'm an extreme metal drummer/composer. I've played in a large number of bands and I have recorded numerous albums and demos in my carreer. I also run my personal project Wargrinder where I do everything by myself. I am currently in : Wargrinder and Hate Manifesto. There are many propositions for drums recording for other bands and being as busy as I am I try to keep up with everything. I am sponsored by Silverfox drumsticks, Saluda cymbals and Axis pedals.

Tell us a little about Wargrinder's last album, "In Suicidal Triumph," including details about the recording /reception / formats, etc.

In Suicidal Triumph was composed in about a week's time in December of 2011. It was recorded in the spring of 2014 in 3 days.

It is a concept album and the songs are arranged by title and lyrical order. It was released summer of 2016 by Nykta Records on CD and it will be released on tape by Von Frost Records around September '17. We're also shooting for a vinyl release end of this year by Fist Bang Records once more.

What are some of the themes that you explore in your music?

War. Hate. Revenge, self preservation, self respect. I always go back to the U.S. civil war for some inspiration, I read blogs and diaries from people who fought in the trenches. And of course my own imagination, I create battle scenes and build stories of my own. I want the person who grabs my release to be nailed to the floor throughout the entire duration. I don't believe in fluctuations. I believe in total annihilation.

Can you tell us a little about your musical influences?

I was always into the German thrash metal scene, although the U.S. has probably the best trash metal history. As a fan I'm divided, as a musician I'm leaning towards Germany and its untamed raw 80s sound. That's how it started for me, as for influences : Order from Chaos, Angelcorpse, Morbid Angel, early Krisiun, Abhorrence (Brazil), early Sodom, Incantation, Bestial Warlust, early Kreator, Possessed and many others.

Your debut album, "The Seal of Genocide," was released back in 2012, although I seem to recall reading that the material was composed much earlier than that - care to give some details?

The Seal of Genocide was composed in its most part in 2004. I actually was writing the lyrics while I was still in the army early 2003. The first time I recorded the debut was in 2005 but I wasn't satisfied with the overall sound and the drummer at the time, so I never released it. I practiced for a few years on the guitar so I could bring my skills up to where my drumming skills were and in December of 2009 I re-recorded the whole album which at that point included a few newer tracks, composed in '08-'09. The sound was deliberately raw and I used a double pedal that wasn't mine so I would not be able to play as well as I usually can. The material is so raw and barbaric that the drums had to be the same.

What can you tell us about the 7" with Hate Manifesto and the song 'Spawn of Insidious Malevolence'? How did you end up using that track for the split?

The track I offered for the split is included In Suicidal Triumph which was ready for release since spring of '14 and Fistbang Records and old friends Hate Manifesto contacted me for a collaboration in the summer of '15. And I agreed. Its a great release and I enjoy how such relentless material sounds on vinyl. Both bands delivered, that's for sure.

Having relocated from Greece to Iceland, I suppose there's a bit of contrast in the climate and anthropological spectrum of things? 

I personally am not a summer person. Always avoided the sun in Greece. I'm not complaining at all up here. What's difficult is distributing my music from here to the rest of the world, especially being a one man band. But I try to keep up, I hope. I also enjoy the solitude. People tend to leave you alone here, they're more private for sure. 

Do you have any specific influences as a drummer? How would you describe your drumming style?

Sandoval, Asheim and Laureano are definitely my biggest influences. My style is definitely old school with pretty good dynamics. I love blast beats. At the same time I'm a musical drummer, I listen to the music and play accordingly. Everything is based on the riff. No riff, no structure. I also hit pretty hard, although I trigger my kick drums I still hit hard.

Besides drums, you also play guitar and do vocals. What prompted you to take up these roles and how regularly do you play guitar as opposed to drumming?

Well, I started playing bass in 1997, inspired by Lemmy, Cronos, Angelripper and Helmkamp. That's how it started for me. What made me start playing bass and guitar was the fact that nobody around me played that style of music which I refer to as the furious style. Fuck fillers, every riff needs to be as good as possible. Shoa was the embryonic state of Wargrinder back in 1999. And summer of 2000 Wargrinder was born. I try not to play too much guitar because I start coming up with new riffs quite fast. I usually play once per month or so. The drumming definitely needs more maintenance since it's technical but requires a lot of conditioning as well.

Do you have something to say about the current economical situation Greece is facing? Have you felt that this situation has affected the scene in any way?

Yeah, of course it has affected it, people can't just go buy merch as much as they used to, you have to set priorities. As for me, I work very hard so I try to support and buy CDs and Tapes from underground labels. It was never a problem for me to decide. Just don't go out and save to buy merch. You get to blast it till the day you die anyway. A great investment. 

What are you listening to these days? Have you discovered any killer bands lately? 

Yes I have. Its so hard to keep up, but having connections with labels and other bands kinda keeps me up to date, currently listening to : Nuclear Hammer, Gravehill, Satanik Goat Ritual, Nausea, Cult of Eibon, Trenchgrinder, Hexensabbat, Napalm Raid, Fetid Zombie, Black Blood Invocation, Trench Warfare, most are on tape via Von Frost Recs, which is by the way sending me another package with tapes, including Hate Manifesto's debut 'To Those Who Glorified Death'. I also can't wait to get my hands on Naer Mataron's new album Lucitherion.

Looking back, what have been some of the highlights throughout your musical course and what are some things you might have done differently?

Naer Mataron was my first big break, I owe a lot to them and I will never stop supporting them. Angelcorpse was also a good thing to happen, although it never materialized. The fact alone that they picked me was a great honor, as they are my favorite extreme metal band. I don't think that I'd change anything simply because at the time it seemed the proper thing to do. Even if some decisions were wrong, it definitely has made me smarter, therefore I wouldn't change a thing.

Some of your recordings have been released on vinyl - what is your opinion on this particular format and the revival it has seen lately?

I love vinyl and the sound that it offers, it is the first and truest format of a band's effort, along with tapes. It's cool that people are buying vinyl again, although in our genre these things don't die, they just dissipate and fluctuate.

What is your opinion on the current surge of social justice with journalists calling out musicians for their political leanings? Right or wrong?

A bunch of degenerates who never achieved anything therefore they find suitable to start crying about other people's opinions and actions. When I buy an album, I don't give a fuck who said what and who did this and that. That's fucking weak. Mind your own fucking business, if you don't like a band or musician for whatever reason your retarded brain came up with, just move on to the next one. It's like those fucking trolls who go on sites to comment that they don't like this band or whatever. Here's an idea : instead of being a degenerate sad piece of shit who was told somehow that their opinion matters, why don't you consume more time and energy on something constructive? Like a fucking hobby, or better yet, suicide. We could do with a few billion less degenerates anyway. 

List 10 albums you can't live without.

Very hard to pick

1.Venom - Black Metal

2.Sodom - Persecution Mania (or in the Sign)

3.Kreator - Pleasure to Kill

4.Slayer - Hell Awaits

5.Deicide - Legion (or Once, or debut)

6.Angelcorpse - fucking everything (no debate)

7.Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness (also Blessed, Covenant, Formulas and Gateways are very close)

8.Incantation - Onward (impossible to pick just one though)

9.Judas Priest - Painkiller 

10.Iron Maiden - Powerslave (first metal band and album I ever heard, around 7-8 years old)

If anyone reading this would like to get in touch, how should they do this? Also, tell us about your future plans and where people can get your merchandise. Thanks for your time.

Future plans include my third album 'Tank Tread Doctrine' coming out in the end of this summer by Fistbang Records. At about the same time, Von Frost Records will release In Suicidal Triumph on tape. My merchandize can be found in several labels in the U.S. and of course Greece, which distributes to Europe. People can also contact me for merch, provided that I still have stuff. Thank you for the interview.


search for Wargrinder on FB.

Hails from the Wargrinder front.