Showing posts with label The Sinister Flame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Sinister Flame. Show all posts

12 Jul 2021

Album review: Orthodoxy – Novus Lux Dominus (2019)

Orthodoxy – Novus Lux Dominus


The Sinister Flame

Hailing from Spain, Orthodoxy is a four-piece death metal outfit featuring members from bands such as Devotion, Profundis Tenebrarum, and Pestkraft. The band was formerly a solo project and released a relatively well-received 5-track demo in 2015, entitled “Shaarimoth. The release in question, “Novus Lux Dominus,” is their debut full-length and an absolute juggernaut of an album informed by only the darkest and heaviest bands in the realm of black/death metal. An immensely morbid atmosphere permeates this release from start to finish, augmented with the injection of harrowing doom tempos. The ingenious and rotten production adds to the overall feel of the album. It’s clearer than a demo recording, yet rawer than what most bands would opt for on an album. It walks that perfect middle-ground. Using references are effective in giving the reader an idea of a band’s sound, but at the same, also subjective. That being said, I feel like Orthodoxy might just be the death metal counterpart to a band like Vassafor, as both bands have a strong predisposition for ominous soundscapes, as well as infusing a hefty amount of doom in their music. The difference is clearly the genre boundaries, as this leans more towards death than black. Overall, if it is dark and brooding death metal you seek that sounds like it was recorded in a mortuary somewhere in the midst of some bizarre necromantic ritual, then Orthodoxy’s “Novus Lux Dominus” is an absolute essential listen. If death ever had a soundtrack, this would be it. (HT) 

4 Jul 2021

Album review: Beyond Man - Beyond Man (2021)

Beyond Man - Beyond Man


The Sinister Flame

Beyond Man returns after more than 10 years of inactivity. First with the single, "Art Beyond Man" in 2020, and now with their flawless self-titled debut album recently released by The Sinister Flame.

If you are ready to enter the depths of the abyss, then join me as we seek the knowledge that is... BEYOND MAN!

Our journey begins with “Introduction: descending” and here I must emphasize my fondness in how the band gives supreme meaning to the intro by enhancing the whole experience. This album is like a fever-dream and trip into another world. I endured this trip by falling into a pit of profound suffering, as the darkness that is beyond man penetrates the very essence of my being. You are already dead, but you can still hear the noise of your body as it shatters to the ground, which is the beginning of the song, "Helel Ben Sahar," where amorphous creatures from spectral dimensions take what is left of your soul and dissolve it into infinity. The song begins quickly and then starts the occult ceremony with a percussion that seems to utter the words of ancient demons. The vocalist "W" appears to be in many bands (including Behexen). Vocals are switched from cleanto high-pitched gutturals that rip into your ears like sharp claws. The song "Art Beyond Man" begins with a riff that reminds us of the legendary Morgoth. It even sounds like death metal, and when you least expect it "W" screams in a way that seems inhuman! Like an echo in a cavern. The production is perfect, including the fact that there seems to be a touch of old Rotting Christ in their sound. The drum work is impeccable. Just listen to my favourite song, "World Without End," and tell me it doesn't inspire you with evilness. Everything is really audible and well-balanced, as the supreme precision transmits pure vitriolic fury. The album closer, "The World Encircler," is a true and authentic work of art, which features a lot dissonance executed in a creative mid-tempo.

All in all, Beyond Man’s debut album is a remarkable and highly original work, featuring an array of talent that is not to be overlooked. It would be an understatement to say I enjoyed this album. Highly recommended. (Catacombs Walker)