Irillion – Mélamar
Nocta Producciones
is the third EP from Mexico’s Irillion, featuring five tracks of harrowing
black/death metal. A totally raw and blasphemous sound permeates this release,
which reminds me of ancient cults like Treblinka, Beherit, and Belial.
Apparently, “Irillion” means conjuring up pungent atmospheres of brimstone and
venomous flames, which is exactly how I would describe the overall mood of this
release. Pure mystical black/death that radiates darkness and emphasizes
atmosphere with its use of gloomy riffs, varied tempos and robust drumming. The
vocals are a highlight and extremely raw, reminiscent of Necrovore. This EP
starts with a sombre guitar interlude, and just when you think you’re about to
indulge in some immersive atmospheric black metal, your world is suddenly set
ablaze with vivid images of blood, fire and death, as the music pummels you
straight into the burning abyss. The guitars have a buzzlike quality characteristic of raw black metal, yet the death metal influence resonates
strongly in their veins, especially when they unleash those sharp, stabbing
riffs. Overall, this well-crafted EP brims with promise and demonstrates depth.
A full-length release would be highly anticipated. Stand-out tracks: “Oukranos”
“Velo De Lo Profundo”