6 Dec 2020



The following interview was conducted with Rok from legendary Aussie Death Metal band SADISTIK EXEKUTION.


Satanik Hailz ROK!!! Tell us a little bit about your art and what inspires you to create such morbid illustrations? Also, how would you describe your style? Are you able to make a living from your art?


I have been drawing since way back when I was just a little kid in the 70s. In fact I still got a drawing I did when I was about 5 years old. Also I remember being attracted to monsters evil things since I was a little kid, so it’s funny I’ve actually been drawing similar things my entire life, skulls, devils, monsters and so on. Since those times I have also been attracted to weapons of war, mainly tanks, machine guns and military aircraft. So I have combined those themes in my art also throughout my life. I don’t really know how to describe my art. There are so many artists all around the world, especially tattoo artists that also do lots of skulls and evil stuff. But one thing that’s important to me when I’m making my art is that it must look angry, threatening and more like your enemy, not your friend! I see lots of supposedly evil art out there and when you look at it in fact it looks more friendly and almost happy. What some people or I should say what MANY people think looks evil or morbid, I think looks happy and nice. So yep, it’s important that my art does not also look happy and nice.

Am I able to make a living from it? Sure, almost every day I get people asking for this or that, but more and more I’m having to tell them that I have already too much art to do, so the waiting list is getting longer and longer. Of course, I’ve not been doing the  artwork full time for very long, so it’s only been the past year or two that it has become a full time job.


What are some of your favourite pieces you've done that you are most proud of? Furthermore, are there any other artists' work that you are fond of and support?

Well it’s hard to say. I’ve always liked the Sadistik cover paintings for KAOS and FUKK II more than the other Sadistik covers. They have some elements of weapons, machine guns which is maybe why I like them. Mostly though, after I have finished a painting or drawing I tend to look back and think how I could have made it better or I pick faults or problems with it. I suspect a lot of artists think like that also. As for other artists, well people often mention Away from VoiVod and how my art is similar or ask have I been influenced by his art. The answer to that is no. I like his art but in reality I don’t think I’ve been influenced by it at all. My influences have come more from stuff like war, occult imagery, horror movies and my own mind. But I do like other artists and the great surrealist painter Salvador Dali is one I maybe admire the most. I also see many great artists on Instagram these days and it’s inspirational to look at their work.

Can you share some anecdotes about some of the craziest gigs you've played with Sadistik Exekution? Have you ever been sober on stage?

Almost all the old Sadistik shows were totally fukked and stupid. Right from the first live gig we did in 1991 until the last in 2009 there was major problems and stupidity with all of them. Some that come to mind as I type my answer now are the third gig which I think was late 91 where I was on LSD and was throwing out pigs feet and fish heads into the crowd. Well I didn’t realise while onstage at some time during the ‘show’ I shit my pants, so I’m telling you for real I had shit in my pants I had to clean off after we got off stage! Another one that was never caught on video but I wish it had been, was another local show here in Sydney, maybe 1995 where I had collected bags of garbage, as in directly from some friends trash cans. I took the bags of garbage on stage and half way through the gig I ripped open the bags and tipped it on myself and all over the stage, as I was yelling out THIS BAND IS TOTAL FUKKING SHIT….

There were some really bad ones with equipment failure and I mean guitar amps blowing up and things not working. Perhaps some of the shows we did in Europe in 1995 were the worst for that sort of stuff and also I completely lost my voice while in Europe that year. Sadistik was the exact opposite of a well rehearsed, professional sort of band. The truth is we were TOTAL FUKKING SHIT.

How do you reflect on the legacy that Sadistik Exekution left behind and what is your opinion about all the poofters who misunderstood what Sadistik Exekution was about?


I simply care nothing about it. I wish that we could have played in Europe again or around the USA or other countries and on much bigger stages, in front of a lot bigger crowds. But what happened is what happened. It’s all in the past now and whatever people think of it doesn’t bother me. Things are very different now and I’m glad we existed more during the late 80s and through the 90s than being a newer band that formed in the post 2000 era.

What's 10 records you can't live without?


That’s hard to say. There are probably more like 20 records and I may have a slightly different answer each day, but this is what I would say on this day right now…

Black Sabbath – Black Sabbath, Black Sabbath – Heaven and Hell, Venom – Welcome to Hell, Venom – Black Metal, Deep Purple – Deep Purple in Rock, Judas Priest – Screaming for Vengeance, Judas Priest – British Steel, Judas Priest – Painkiller, WASP – WASP, Celtic Frost – Morbid Tales


I've noticed you tend to do a lot of artwork for lessor known bands, which is an attitude I respect very much. Do you consider yourself a supporter of the underground and are there any new bands you enjoy?


I’m definitely a supporter of smaller or lesser known bands who I believe are true metal and stand up for real metal, rather than being just a new trend sort of thing. Ok so most bands will say they are real or true or whatever, but I know real metal when I see or hear it. I know who is true and who is false. If people think I am childish or stupid for saying such things than that’s their problem, not mine. If I sound like a 16 year old who has just discovered early Manowar than so be it. I’d rather people mock me or misunderstand me rather than me just following trends or trying to be cool or fit in with the masses and their shitty opinions, like blind sheep.

Although I think there are way too many bands around these days and most of them are trend stupidity, there are also lots of truly great bands and bands that I like and believe in. Just off the top of my head, some of those are Australian project band Orbyssmal, Wraith from USA, AKU from USA, Emetophilia from Mexico and Asian band Exhumation and of course there are more…


What is your opinion on the crybaby mentality in metal nowadays, with the rise of social justice warriors calling out “bigots” and how they try to enforce their moralistic views? Do they belong in metal or not?



Your opinion on the following:


Norwegian Black Metal: 

Norwegian Black Metal is a good thing BUT the blind TREND KVLT masses who follow it and try to be like it can eat their own shit and die.


Human stupidity


Would have been great if they stopped after their first three albums!

Abrahamic religions: 

The biggest problem of the world today


Legends who should have stopped around the late 80s. With Bon they were great and they gradually got worse after about 1987


What are the main differences between your eponymous solo project, Rok, and Sadistik Exekution? Also, what inspired you to write music under the Rok banner? Will you ever record another album?


Ah, the really big difference is the musical style. Sadistik obviously is or was much much more extreme and over the top insanity. But me being such a big fan of simple, straight to the point metal like some of the old NWOBHM bands and stuff like early Venom, early Bulldozer and early Sodom, I just wanted to make some songs that had more of that sort of theme and also just a lot of ideas kept coming into my head that weren’t suitable for Sadistik, so eventually I used them for my two Rok albums, This is Satanik and Burning Metal. I do play guitar and bass and sometimes I make up new songs or ideas for song titles, lyrics and themes, but I really don’t think I will ever make any new recordings. I think now as can be seen, my main focus is on my art….


Thanks Rok!!! I wish you all the best with your future activities and artwork. If anyone reading this wishes to contact you, how should they do this? The last infernal words are yours. 

If anyone reading this wishes to contact or just see my latest art and activities, just look me up on Instagram. FUKK YOU ALL IN HELL – KILL THE FEEBLE TRENDS AND BE YOURSELF, NOT SOMEONE ELSE!

Album review: Diabolical – Hooligans Regiment Of Terror (2018)


Diabolical – Hooligans Regiment Of Terror - Full Length (2018)


Total Death Records / Deadly Throat Productions

Founded in East Java, Indonesia, Diabolical has been making noise in the underground ever since their inception in 2005. The band has already churned out a string of releases, although “Hooligans Regiment of Terror” is their first proper full length. The material is utterly crude, with a sound and style that is idiomatic to the Southeast Asian scene, and brings to mind bands like Impiety, Zygoatsis, Deiphago, etc. The band fuses hardcore punk styled yelling with black/death extremity, which I find to be quite an auspicious formula, resulting in a very chaotic sound. The production is totally raw, yet perfectly suites the music. The vocals are absolutely maniacal and oozes pure, unyielding rage. The music is predominantly fast, and constantly bombards the listener with a wall of excessive audio violence that is bound to make poofters duck for cover. Some of my favourite songs include “Muslimassacre” and “Hail Belial.” The excellent cover art by Jenglot Hitam does a good job at representing the music, and depicts an incursion of demonic forces attacking various religious figures. “Hooligans Regiment Of Terror” is a call to arms against posers and religious pigs everywhere, featuring 11 tracks of malicious war metal that is sure to please all maniacs into this style. (HT)


Album review: Skjult - Lucifer Hominum Salvator (2020)

Skjult - Lucifer Hominum Salvator


Satanath Records

Cuba is not a country I know much about in regards to its metal history, although I have managed to hear a number of killer bands from there, such as Narbeleth (now situated in Spain), From the Graves, Infector, Sectarium, Combat Noise, and now, Skjult from Havana. (Most of the good ones hail from the country's capital, Havana) “Lucifer Hominum Salvator” is the band's third album, and was released by Satanath Records.

Skjult play a rather pristine and straightforward black metal that puts a lot of emphasis on atmosphere. It's not groundbreaking by any means, but it's a formula that works. The fact that this is a one-man project is quite impressive; the music is very well-crafted and manages to easily draw the listener in. Conspirator, the sole individual behind the music, demonstrates a knack for excellent craftsmanship. The songs are quite lengthy, yet coherent, as each instrument is skillfully arranged and integrated into the mix.

There are definitely some similarities to the Scandinavian school of black metal, with the aggressive vocals laid atop a mountain of freezing cold riffs, including a barrage of straightforward drums and blasts. The drums aren’t overly technical, but they’re on point and clearly well-played considering that Conspirator handled all the instruments. The guitars definitely take center stage here, as each song is peppered with somber, immaculate riffs that evoke an atmosphere of pure anti-cosmic darkness.

The style employed on this album is very much a tried and tested formula that bears similarities to bands such as Watain, Dissection and Urgehal. The lack of originality is not necessarily a problem considering how well composed the material is, including the fact that the album boasts an excellent production that allows the instruments to shine. The band also seems to be quite prolific, as “Lucifer Hominum Salvator” is Skjult's third full-length in just four years.

All in all, Skjult's third album is an excellent effort and should not be overlooked by fans of the genre, especially if you’re curious to hear some truly dark and morbid black metal from a country like Cuba, which isn’t exactly known for its metal scene. Recommended. (Jim)

3 Dec 2020

Split review: Blood Omen / Slege – Bathing In The Blood Of The Meek (2020)

Blood Omen / Slege – Bathing In The Blood Of The Meek


Nihilistic Noise Propaganda

"Bathing In The Blood Of The Meek” is a black metal split between Blood Omen and Slege, both of whom hail from California. These bands are amply uncompromising in their craft and represent the heart and soul of the genre.

Blood Omen starts the split, offering 2 tracks of fierce and majestic Black Metal. This is the band's third release, so they already had some time to work on their music, hence the quality of the material. “Bloodsworn Legacy” is an epic 8-minute hymn featuring one of the best solos in a black metal song I've heard in a while. The blood-curdling vocals, along with their ability to write sick riffs, definitely makes them a noteworthy prospect. Blood Omen is the real deal and after hearing their side of the split, I've decided to check out the rest of their discography.

Slege's take on the genre is slightly different, although they embody the same murderous spirit. The atmosphere they evoke is powerful and reminds me of old Gorgoroth. The effects on the vocals are very well done and gives the music a very distinctive feel. “Their Heads On The Spikes Of Our Victory” is an absolute killer tune backed by some truly epic riffs and an amazing vocal performance full of emotion.

All in all, both bands are on the same page in terms of song-writing quality and show a natural capacity for depth; therefore, I cannot recommend this release enough. This is a great split.(HT)

2 Dec 2020

Demo review: Phthisis - Embodiment of Decay (2020)

PHTHISIS - Embodiment of Decay (Demo 2020)


Brutal Cave Productions

Embodiment of Decay” is the debut demo from Colorado miscreants, PHTHISIS, and was released by BRUTAL CAVE PRODUCTIONS (Portugal) on CD. The demo features 4 tracks of cavernous Death/Doom, with a pinch of power electronics on the first and third track. The vocalist emits a powerful growl, backed by hellish rasps here and there. The guitars are well executed and do a good job at conjuring an ominous atmosphere. The bass is nicely laced in the mix and add an extra layer of heaviness. The drums are well implemented, with the drummer doing some pretty inventive fills and stuff. The production also isn't bad for a demo and does well at augmenting the performance. The atmosphere evokes horrifying images of being locked in a dark room with some hideous monstrosity. “Embodiment of Decay” is definitely a very solid entry and considering that it's the band's first demo. 4 tracks of pure sinister Death/Doom madness that clocks at 23 minutes. Recommended. (HT)

EP review: Larvae - Sickening Cadaveric Perversion (2020)


Larvae - Sickening Cadaveric Perversion (2020)



LARVAE is the putrid manifestation spawned from the darkest recesses of Lucilia's Sericata's morbid mind. The monstrosity that is LARVAE has its disgusting roots in Italy, but since Lucilia now resides in Romania, the band can be seen as an Italian/Romanian collaboration. The vocals are absolutely sick – even terrifying. I don't think I've heard many woman lay down such evil, eerie, and twisted vocals. (Sonya Sepulchral from BESTIAL HOLOCAUST is another great female vocalist that comes to mind.) There's even segments of maniacal laughter in the songs, which is quite inventive, if not disturbing. The music can be classified as Death/Doom, but of the heaviest, sickest kind. The atmosphere radiates pure fucking decay, as a variety of abysmal vocals are vomited over the mic, supported with riffs heavier than king kong's balls. The primitive drum beats by Disgusting Dennis are well done and fitting for this style. I like the implementation of horror movie samples, which definitely adds more texture to the music. You know you're in for something utterly morose when an EP is called “Sickening Cadaveric Perversion.” Fans of GOATLORD will go absolutely apeshit for LARVAE, as they embody the true and unholy essence of Death/Doom, but with an approach closer to early CARCASS in terms of themes. Overall, an excellent fucking EP that comes highly recommended. (HT)

Demo review: Shitangel - Demo XXX (2020)

Shitangel - Demo XXX

Vermont / USA

Born For Burning Productions

Those with a penchant for some decidedly raw and blasphemous black/death/thrash, will do well to check out the latest demo from Vermont-based maniacs, Shitangel. Their music evokes an evil aura in the vein of bands like Sarcofago, Necrovore, Blasphemy, Parabellum, etc., supplemented with a cavernous production complimentary to the style.

The band's name and “artwork” gives the impression of something foul and unholy, and that's exactly what you will be subjected to after pressing play. All the instruments are well arranged. I love the effects used for the vocals; they are really cool and go hand in glove with the putrid atmosphere. The riffs are sick and just what the doctor ordered. The music possess a menacing tone replete with an adoration for the classic black/death/thrash abyss of yesteryear.

On the balance, “Demo XXX” offers 5 tracks of pure hellish metal of death made for maniacs pure, so If you're a dork for clean sounding metal, then don't fucking bother. Killer demo!!!(HT)


The following interview was conducted with Doodsengel and Raven from South African Black Metal band ONHEILIG.

Hails. How was Onheilig conceived and what is the ideology behind it?

Doodsengel: Onheilig was conceived when Raven and I got back in touch after a few years and decided to do a black metal project in the vein of the old second wave and taking it from there. There were no intentions other than to make black metal as we know it and progress from that point. You always need a starting point with something and it was a logical point to start with, maybe come across as derivative and then hopefully settle into our own sound. The ideology from my side personally is based on decay of the world we know, death and the essence of spirituality through death.

Raven: Onheilig is here is to take back the essence of black metal to what it started out as, for me it's the glorification of death, nature and true Satanism.

Tell us a little bit about your demo, "His Will, My Craft," and the reactions you've received so far? Are you happy with the result?

Doodsengel: So far the reactions have been quite positive. As far as being happy with the result, I personally choose to ignore both positive and negative criticism to a degree (barring constructive criticism which could lead to areas of improvement). If you allow the criticism to taint or pervert your vision or your art then you're doing it for the wrong reasons and should rather focus your efforts on something else. Art is inherently selfish and pandering to what people want is the unfortunate attitude that spawned the abominable "Old School Death Metal" revival and subsequent other revivals where we've seen washed up burnouts trying to reclaim their "former glory" and I find it pathetic and insincere.

What can you tell us about the South African metal scene? Are there any worthy albums and bands you can recommend?

Doodsengel: The South African metal scene is an absolute joke and not even worth a detailed explanation, but I'll try give a decent enough overview. The bands all just seem to pander towards the mainstream trends of what's popular overseas, except they manage to do it worse. Not only is it insincere, but it seems like some god awful popularity contest with falsified "celebrity" status stupidity and indiscriminate comradery where it becomes about "supporting the scene" and not about the music at all. I prefer to stay away from these idiots and their bullshit mentality and mainstream pandering attitudes with no artistic vision, spirit or respect for music in general. The only band and album I could possibly recommend is the orthodox black metal band from Cape Town called Formless Devotion and their EP 'Sparks of Separation'. Nothing else really crosses my mind as I don't care about it at all.

Raven: No comment.

Are any of the members in Onheilig involved in any side projects? What about past bands and projects? Give us a little background.

Doodsengel: I'm sure Raven can answer about his project. I only have a minor involvement in it laying down bass tracks. I'm working on something on the side but I don't have anything concrete enough to actually justify calling it a side-project. We've both been in bands prior to this, and even one together which we both left. An absolute joke of a "black metal" band that just played out as bad Norsecore trash. I hadn't begun playing an instruments yet and was incessantly begged to do vocals. I also had a few shitty side-projects with one of the other members of that band that aren't worth mentioning. I still hadn't begun playing an instrument so only had limited input musically.

Raven: Ominous Reflections is my side project and was a live force for a few years in the scene. Now it is solely a studio project. Recording of the EP will start early December. Ominous Reflections is a different beast from Onheilig all together.

(Demo artwork for "His Will, My Craft")

What is your opinion on people who play music who jump from one genre to the next as a means to conform to trends?

Doodsengel: I have no problem with experimentation with other genres as I have a rather "broad" taste in music. But when it's a constant shift to pander to the current flavours of the month, then it's woefully insincere and those people just pollute and pervert music. I'm not fond of the attitude of "music is entertainment", "music should be fun". Music is entertainment to a degree, but it's also self-expression. Music can be taken seriously. If you are just in it for the fun, that's great. I couldn't care. It'll always show and I can gladly avoid it. There needs to be a degree of seriousness. I don't agree with the Frank Zappa school of thought where silliness reigns supreme. Granted I don't mind a bit of silliness every now and then. We all need our cheap thrills. And I've strayed slightly off topic, so to sum it up in less convoluted terms: Fuck those people and the world is a better place without them.

What inspired the name Onheilig and the idea to have lyrics in Afrikaans?

Doodsengel: I wouldn't say anything directly inspired the name 'Onheilig' other than we knew we wanted a name in Afrikaans and also wanted to avoid having a multi-worded name. I also apologise to Unholy from Finland. It means the same thing. The idea to have lyrics in Afrikaans was mostly a sonic choice. Apart from being apart of our heritage, it's also just a very simple, blunt and gutteral language. It sounds harsh and I personally think it fits the extremity of the sound.

Raven: Onheilig means Unholy, hence our music is the true definition of the word.

Your opinion on the following:

* Black Metal Against Fascism

Doodsengel: Ironically fascist. A bunch of rich kids with no grasp on reality who feed on mainstream rhetoric that they probably learned at college or some large educational institution that indoctrinate the youth into believing in bullshit causes that mean absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things. Modern day "cancel culture" and other moronic movements driven to silence freedom of speech and expression and forces their narrative and "values" (or lack thereof) upon you. Sounds pretty goddamn fascist to me.

* H.P. Lovecraft

Doodsengel: One of the most brilliant writers in the 20th Century. Not only is he a master of atmosphere and horror, but also embedded philosophy. He seems to get unfairly criticised in this day and age because certain people deem him a bad writer because of his purportedly "shallow" characters, when they forget that the characters merely act as a vehicle to drive the narrative. They're insignificant in the overall scale and the only significance they could possibly have is to encapsulate the horror which is greater than the human element. People look at him on a surface level and whine about insipid little details like "shallow" characters without seeing what he was trying to do. Criticising his writing without seeing how forward thinking it was. Despite hating modern writers he used a lot of modern techniques at the time. He could also emulate other writers very well when he wanted to. Him mimicking Edgar Allan Poe shows this. Modern society tend to pass him off as a substandard pulp writer because wankers like Stephen King and the internet said so. Read him and make up your own fucking minds. Look beyond superficial things like the alleged "lack" of in depth and supposed multifaceted characters. He wrote short stories for fuck sake.

* Music theory

Doodsengel: A bit of a double edged sword. An extremely useful tool to have. Unfortunately people tend to swing one way or the other. And to me both arguments are wrong. Some people construct music purely from theory and forget that even masters like Johann Sebastian Bach bend the rules. They tend to make highly technical and constructed music that operates more like strict form mathematical equations rather than music. And the result is something not only very sterile, but also uniform. They forget about things like "creativity". The other side of the coin are idiotic rockers that'll tell you music theory kills your creativity and you shouldn't learn it. They're idiots and if you listen to them you'll probably never ascend passed being a vapid pub rock band. Unless you're wildly creative and invent your own harmonic language. Those individuals are few and far between. Use theory as a tool and creativity and freedom to form the sound you want. The only limitations are created by stupidity.

10 albums that made an impact on you?

Doodsengel: This is a rather difficult one to answer because there are so many, but I'll try. In no specific order.

* Dødheimsgard - Satanic Art

* King Crimson - Red

* Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas

* Gorgoroth - Under the Sign of Hell

* At the Gates - The Red in the Sky is Ours

* Thorns - Thorns

* Atrocity - Todessehensucht

* Dissection - The Somberlain

* Mekong Delta - The Music of Erich Zann

* Änglagård - Hybris

I'll also give extra mentions of composers I like too that I think have made an impact on me, even if it's not outwardly apparent:

* Johann Sebastian Bach

* Carlo Gesualdo

* Dmitri Shostakovich

* Béla Bartók

And various oud players from the Arabic classical form.


- Gorgoroth - Destroyer

- Dodheimsgard - Satanic Art

- Satyricon - The Shadow Throne

- Dissection (their entire work)

- Black Funeral - Waters of Weeping

Lastly, what are the future plans for ONHEILIG?

Doodsengel: We're currently in the process of writing material for a new release which will hopefully be done some time in 2021. It will be different from the derivative sound heard on the demo, and whether people will like it or not is an insignificant thought that only time will be able to tell us.

Raven: A full length album is to be finished within next year, the full length album will have no correlation to the demo. Something entirely new and soul devouring will be birthed.

25 Nov 2020

Demo review: Maze of Terror - Death Worshipers (2019)


Maze of Terror – Death Worshipers – Demo (2019)



Peruvian death-thrashers Maze of Terror released an absolute scorcher of an album back in 2016 titled, “Ready To Kill.” I loved the aggression and ballsy attitude of that album. Fast forward to 2019, after a split and two EPs, the band released this killer demo called “Death Worshipers.” The four songs on this demo are very well composed and contains absolutely no filler at all. The music can be described as thrash metal, although in the most uncompromising sense imaginable. They also incorporate some black and death metal elements into their sound. The vocalist is a maniac and sounds like he is hell-bent on murdering someone. All instruments are well played and blend together nicely, coupled with a solid production that enables you to hear everything. The guitarist's penchant for solos is impressive and it definitely sounds like he knows what he's doing. I must say, for a thrash metal band, Maze of Terror sounds more extreme than a lot of black and death metal bands. The music on this demo is raw, unapologetic, and fierce. I love the sample on the first song, 'Incubus,' which is taken from the cult horror movie The Entity. Anyway, if radio-friendly “pizza thrash” is your thing, then stay far away from Maze of Terror. These Peruvian maniacs will skin you alive. (HT)


Album review: Prison Hell - Мяco. Viande. Fleisch. Meat. (2020)


Prison Hell - Мяco. Viande. Fleisch. Meat. 2020


War Vellum

War Vellum has done it again. The quality is consistent with releases from black noise such as Tsalal and Mesmeric Revelation. So when I saw the Prison Hell tape up for pre-order, I immediately bought it. This project is from good ole Edmonton, home of black/death Gods like Blasphemy and Revenge, and you can definitely hear it in the music. It is the brainchild of Kib Sreng from Brulvahnatu, Black Abyss, and ex-member of higher profile acts such as Antediluvian and A.M.S.G. He doesn't stray too far from the path either. The debut full-length, “Мяco. Viande. Fleisch. Meat.” is pure bestial black/death at its best. The art presented is highly inspired and creative. He's not afraid to cross into other genres at the drop of a dime with certain parts of songs having an Incantation feel, whereas other songs have more of a Beherit worship style. The vocals are a mix of guttural and raspy black metal (in the Beherit vein) and suits the music. My favorite part is without a doubt the solos; they are weird, fringe, and sound cool as hell. The production on this release is mixed and mastered perfectly for what you're being subjected to. If you're craving something different, yet still somewhat familiar, then check this out. (LR)