25 Nov 2020

EP review: Northern - Cabin Fever (2020)


Northern – Cabin Fever (2020)


Sinistrari Records

Spawned from the ashes of Cold Northern Vengeance, Northern is a four-piece featuring mastermind Heathen (CNV, Martyrvore, Ancestral Shadows), including members from bands like Desolate and December Wolves. “Cabin Fever” is the band's second release, an 7” EP featuring two tracks of fierce and deadly black/death that radiates pure fucking evil. The raw production is very fitting to the music and the band does a good job at capturing an atmosphere redolent of their environment. The lyrics on this EP are quite interesting, with 'Hypothermia' being about how hikers from urban areas end up freezing to death in the New Hampshire mountains, whereas 'Cabin Fever' mentions burying Jehovah's Witnesses in the woods. These two songs are very well-arranged and cohesive, featuring some truly excellent riffs and an otherworldly atmosphere that does a good job at drawing the listener in. The vocalist emits a powerful and menacing growl that is perfect for this style. Worth mentioning is the fact that Northern doesn't really sound like Cold Northern Vengeance and embraces a more black/death style, whereas the former had a wider palette of influences. Overall, I don't really have anything to complain about, as this is a solid release through and through. This EP gets my highest recommendation. (HT)

17 Nov 2020

EP review: The Incursion - Pandemonium (2020)

The Incursion – Pandemonium - EP (2020)


Our Ancient Future

California's The Incursion release their debut EP, “Pandemonium,” featuring 7 tracks of tumultuous black/death metal that goes straight for the skull. The music is fairly fast, featuring speedy drums, bestial vocals, and an apocalyptic wall of dissonance that penetrate the senses with lethal force. This is pretty filthy stuff. The music is about as straight-forward as it gets, with chaos and hate as its focal doctrine. There are no guitar solos, which is something I like to hear in war metal. The music is played with passion and decidedly ferocious, with snippets of brilliance throughout; however, the band still needs to evolve their sound a bit, seeing as that they have the potential. For its 20 minute duration, this EP sure leaves a devastating blow. If you enjoy bands like Nexul, Antichrist Siege Machine, Human Agony, etc., then absolutely check these guys out.(HT) 

Demo review: Garden of Eyes - Altar of Despair (2020)


Garden of Eyes – Altar of Despair – Demo (2020)


Cryptic Blood Records

Garden of Eyes is a one-man manifestation spawned from the depths of Nordwich, England, with sole member Nattskog handling all instruments on its latest demo, “Altar of Despair.” Personally, I always like to check out new death metal bands from the UK, even though the amount of quality death metal from over there may not always be in abundance, but the few that manage to pop up on my radar never fail to impress me. Garden of Eyes utilizes the Swedish axe tone, but what makes them a bit different is their varied use of tempos, and the fact that the music is mostly slow, evil and excruciatingly heavy, paired with a cavernous vocal assault that sounds like it was spewed from the mouth of some hideous ghoul. The band refers to their music as “Rotten Eldritch Death Metal” and the description couldn't be more spot on. Programmed drums can be a hit or miss, but are well done in this case, adding a heavy dynamic to the music. The atmosphere on this release is absolutely morose and makes me think of being lost in some underground catacomb filled with all things decayed. The three songs on “Altar of Despair” offers a tasty 12 minutes of pure charnel, unholy death metal that is bound to raise a few dead souls every time you press play. (HT)

14 Nov 2020

Demo review: Roudansirppi – III (2019)


Roudansirppi – III – Demo (2019) 


Hessian Firm

Raw black metal would be a good place to start when describing Roudansirppi's music. Their latest demo features four lengthy tracks of mournful, atmospheric black metal that takes us back to the old days. Each song is comprised of despondent screams, buzzing guitars, and an atmosphere that conjures images of vast and barren landscapes. The music is decidedly primitive, but also cohesive, supplemented with a low-fi production that is sure to please diehard fans. You basically have all the hallmarks of classic black metal written all over this, but minus the Satanism. The band also incorporates some keyboards and clean vocals here and there, which is a nice touch and adds depth to the music. Overall, the material on this demo is quite strong, as “III” is a release that will find its appeal among fans of the most cult and austere type of black metal. The CD can be obtained through Hessian Firm. (HT)


11 Nov 2020

Album review: Black Crown - Caverns of Thantifaxath (2020)


Black Crown - Caverns of Thantifaxath (2020)


Sathanath Records

Black Crown is the sinister manifestation conjured by The Mountain VVitch (ex-Necrophagia, Haxxan) and "Caverns of Thantifaxath" is their debut album, joint-released between Satanath Records, More Hate Productions, and The End Of Time Records. The duo offers a lethal slab of cold, belligerent black metal that aims to corrupt the mind with a corrosive atmosphere and vocals replete with spite. The themes all pertain to the occult, as Thantifaxath literally means “Great Ghoul” and is known to be one of the pathways and tunnels of Set. The band does a good job at transmitting those abysmal energies; however, I feel that a rawer sound would have benefited the music more, as I find the album's production a little too clean and polished for my liking. Nevertheless, there's still some enjoyable moments to be found here, with an atmosphere and sound that brings to mind bands like Thorns, Temple of The Maggot, Carpathian Forest, etc. The pace of the album varies from mid to fast, with some exceedingly heavy riffs scattered throughout. I'm not a big fan of the high-pitched vocals, although I can tolerate them. Overall, "Caverns of Thantifaxath" is a passable entry featuring 9 paeans of blasphemous metal to satiate the morbid mind. (HT)

5 Nov 2020

Album review: Goatpenis - Biochemterrorism (2010)

Goatpenis - Biochemterrorism (2010)


Satanic Skinhead Propaganda

When most people think of war metal, bands like Blasphemy and Revenge comes to mind, but for myself, nothing beats Goatpenis. Sabbaoth has always led the band, but I started taking them more seriously when Virrugus joined the line-up. Since they became a duo, the band has only gotten better over time. Now in true Goatpenis fashion, the first track starts with a sample that has something to do with war. This track is an ominous orchestral piece that plays into the track. It starts with a catchy melodic lead over tremelo picked chords, then leads into a thrashy slower part only for it to pick up again in time for the next song. 'Fatal Equinox' shows the band play swirling leads down the fretboard over blasts. I love the guttural vocals, as they are fitting to the style and intensity of the music. I won't do a track by track analysis, since most of the songs carry the same formula, but are executed in an unique way. One of my favorite tracks on this album is without a doubt, 'Death Emperor Rules Supreme,' with the chords going higher and higher down the fretboard. 
Goatpenis has always had a distinct and trademark sound that made them stand out from their peers, particularly on this album, which perfectly blends melody with violence. In fact,  "melodic war metal" is probably the most fitting descriptor for this album. Recommended. (LR)

Demo review: Chronicles - Astōdān (2020)


Chronicles - Astōdān (2020)



Chronicles (or “ChronicleS” as the band prefers to spell it) is a young death metal band from Dhaka, Bangladesh, and “Astōdān” is their latest demo. When I think of the Bangladeshi scene, bands like Orator, Morbidity, and Nafarmaan comes to mind. That being said, it's always interesting to hear new and upcoming bands from the South Asian scene. The demo has a fairly underproduced sound, which gives the music a sinister, subterranean-like feel, paired with their predilection for occult themes pertaining to Angra-Mainyu. These five songs are fairly well played, and while I wouldn't really say it's anything special, the music on this demo is quite good and straight-forward, with a sound that gives nods to bands like Mortem, Autopsy, Necrovore, etc. The demo offers five tracks of raw, abyssic death metal, including a dandy cover of Hellhammer's Messiah, showing their appreciation for the classics. Overall, it's a decent entry from a young Bangladeshi horde showing a knack for blasphemous black/death metal. The underground is alive in Bangladesh and bands like Chronicles is proof of that. (HT)

3 Nov 2020

Album review: Carnosus - Dogma of The Deceased (2020)


Carnosus - Dogma of The Deceased (2020)


Satanath Records

Hailing from Örebro, Sweden, Carnosus presents their debut album, “Dogma of the Deceased,” released by Russia's Satanath records. Melodic death metal does not draw me in easily, but Carnosus is an exception: their high-quality music is a seamless balance of melody, technique, and heaviness. Each song is packed to the brim with excellent riffs, incorporating some neoclassical influence. This genre benefits from proper production to stand out, and that's exactly what the band has opted for by teaming up with Fredrik Nordström (At The Gates, Dark Tranquility, Lord Belial, etc.) and Robert Kukla to record “Dogma of the Deceased.” Musically, they share some idiomatic traits with bands like Sacramentum, At The Gates, The Crown, etc., mixed with their own unique sound that also borrows from progressive metal and thrash. The overall result is something to behold, with songs that bleed passion and superb songwriting and musicianship, favouring substance and atmosphere over superfluous technicality. “Dogma of the Deceased” boasts an excellent production, a full sound that really brings out the best in the band and its individual members. The music also doesn't border on sounding plastic, retaining a certain rawness and pugnacious edge that gives the music just the right amount of punch to make them stand out. Check them out if you enjoy good melodic death metal. For fans of Anata, Sarcasm, and Arsis. (HT)

1 Nov 2020

Demo review: Cambion - Unfold Chaos Supreme (2015)


Cambion – Unfold Chaos Supreme (2015)


Lavadome Productions

Cambion is an international project with members situated in the US and Germany. "Unfold Chaos Supreme" is the band's debut demo from 2015, featuring five songs of blisteringly fast and menacing black/death metal that hits the listener like a freight train. The songs are backed with a considerably good production which works in favour of the excellent rhythms and tempos therein. The intensity is taken to its peak, with insane, wizard-like drumming perpetually battering away, while jaw-dropping riffs and solos are hammered out with fervour and precision. The vocalist commands the chaos, belching out sickened rasps of madness and malice rendering a more blackened element to the music. The guitar solos on this release are absolutely top-tier, fast and precise, and brings to mind Gene Palubicki. A pinch of thrash-infused riffs also makes its way in the mix, showing an affinity for old school metal. The band shows a great capacity for fast, ferocious and evil blackened death metal, coupled with excellent musicianship. For a first demo, it sure packs a hefty punch, and keeping that in mind, I'd definitely like to hear more material from this band. This demo is absolutely sick and I cannot recommend it enough. For fans of Angelcorpse, Force of Darkness, Hacavitz, etc. (HT)

31 Oct 2020

Interview: Obeisance (2020)

The following interview was conducted with Chivo from US Black/Thrash band Obeisance.

Hails Chivo. To start things off, can you give us an update on the latest incarnation of the band, including some background on how the group formed?

ETERNAL HAILS TO YOU JIM!!! Fuckin' being in a band can be a pain in the buttocks!! I got a great guitarist in Hexcraft-,we wanna get an old live drummer back. A new drummer had asked me to wait, then I saw he was drumming for a local band that's been rehearsing for TWO YEARS & he put Obeisance on hold... What would you do? So he's out. Our good friends Duende helped us out with our newest CD "Abominations of Penetrations" !!!!

Tell us a bit about your latest album, "Nuclear Penetrator," and the time it took to write, record, and release the material? Are you happy with the result?

Oh, man. Well I read in Soldier of Fortune magazine (Rip) about the US bomber the B1 Lancer the fastest nuclear bomber in the world today, originally designed as a Nuclear Penetrator and Bam! A light went off in my head and I decided that it would be a great title for a song, for an album! Since about 2016, I had a CD of riffs that I made at the studio we did 7"s and “666War!!!” & “Appetite for Desecration.” The studio owner was going to have a son and he was gonna retire forever and ever for all eternity. He's back now, anyway, so I went to a friend who plays drums and great guitar & asked him, hey these are the tunes can you do drums n guitars for this? Are you up to the task? He said yeah! I'll bang em out THIS WEEKEND!! Well, months and months later he shows me four songs...fuck...so at this point I had recorded more songs with other friends and I decided to combine both line-ups and release it as " Musica del Diablo" and I hooked up with another friend, Ibex, who quickly did guitars, bass, and drums (programmed yes, but NOT to be industrial or any SHIT like that, I don't like Fear Factory or Godflesh, fuck off to that!! So the album was ready by 2017, but the bro I had agreed to release the CD turns out was not the label guy, I had to talk to someone else and nah, I was turned off by it and finally it was released by Wit Duiwel records on CD and our usual accomplice Warhemic Productions on Cassette!! BOTH are limited!!!

What inspires your lyrics? I take it Shakespeare is out of the question.

He is actually a very big influence. Jk fuck Shakespeare. Almost everything inspires me lyric wise. I told a friend who has his own satanic Temple that I write about ALL evil, not just the judeochristian concept of Evil. So on "Nuclear Penetrator" there's songs about genocide, nuclear weapons, fucking a 22 year old chick (true story), cannibalism, sleeping in my own vomit (true story), a couple of evil zombie songs (Slayer, Morbid Angel, Incantation, Death, and more have had songs about zombies (so if whoever doesn't like that, fuck off wanker), a war of darkness, and the last victory of the Aztecs over the Spaniards in Mexico City when it was an island. Stuff like that. Oh, I've written stuff about the Aztecs and American Indian tribes since the 90's so I didn't just all of a sudden decide to do so.

How would you describe your music to those who haven't heard it before? 

Fuckin' violent unholy, unwholesome fast Metal, meat 'n' potatoes, not for PC “social justice warrior" pussies. And I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize - FOR NOTHING! FUCK OFF IF YOU'RE OFFENDED WUSSES.

Is WIT DUIWEL RECORDS official? It's your own label, right? What inspired the name?

Yessir. a small, very small (that's what she said) label but we're trying damnit!! The name is inspired by a fb friend of mine who was gonna send me some crocodile biltong but never did, so I thought he lives in South Africa & people there consider him a White Devil and Bam! I asked him how do you say White Devil in  Afrikaans and a label was born. I had a label before, Sick records, I was gonna release Rotting Christ, Libation, Lord of Putrefaction, goood stuff like that back in the 1990's but RAN OUT OF MONEY. So I never released anything. Oh well, but stuff is cheaper to release now, so here's hoping for more releases!!! 6 6 6!!!!

What can you tell us about the scene in Denver? Are there any other bands from there worth mentioning?

The scene in Denver has some diehards like Drek, Philip, and more! But it seems to be infested by PC sjw Antifa pussies who throw a tissy fit & act like wussie mini tyrants and try to get stuff banned, like Obeisance. But we did end up playing when they thought they cancelled our fest show, but WE PLAYED! AND the crowd reaction was GREAT!! So hail to Drek n Philip and the Denver diehards worshippers of Bluecifer the demonic Denver bronco!! Nice city and most imposing Rocky mountains. We didn't eat Rocky mountain oysters though. Do you eat those in South Africa?? They're a delicacy in Denver for some reason

What are 10 metal albums which had a lasting impact on you?

Fuck! My Metal warbrother I always have a problem with these lists, as 10 is few but I will try!

Viking - Do or Die
Mercyful Fate - Don't Break The Oath
Sacrifice -Torment in fire
Venom - Welcome to Hell/singles
Voivod - First four
Slayer - Show no up to Reign In Blood
Possessed - 7ch, Beyond The Gates, The Eyes of Horror
Sarcofago - I.N.R.I., Rotting, Hate
Sepultura - Morbid Visions
Darkthrone - Soulside Journey up to Transylvanian Hunger
Celtic Frost – Morbid Tales, Emperor's Return, To Mega Therion
Bathory- S/t, The Return, Under The Sign Of The Black Mark, Blood Fire Death
Sodom up to Tapping the Vein

You've been a veteran of the US black/death/thrash scene for years, how have things changed over the years when you compare the current state of the scene to how it
was around 15-20 years ago?

The left ruins everything!! They've come to the scene and wanna change it. They think they're so important and wise, they're fuckin' stupid useful idiots as Stalin called 'em. A buncha fuckin' bandwagon jumpers messing with the scene. But it should survive, but more underground. I love the scene but not these wuss left wing hipster ridiculous Interlopers that just don't fuckin' belong. Like someone said about the bullfighting scene- it is moribund, but will never die. Says I. But what the fuck do I know?

What do you think of people in the extreme metal community that use their social media presence as a means to spout their myopic political views? Should metal be apolitical?

They're ridiculous and stupid and ONLY radicalize people to the opposite of what they want to indoctrinate you to. Metal should be almost whatever you want. But when it starts getting left wing, preachy and that you HAVE TO ACCEPT all these ludicrous stupid degenerate things? Fuck off! I DON'T HAVE TO ACCEPT ANY-FUCKING-THING!! I don't Have to accept what you believe in or support what you believe in. So I can be called whatever, felicidades. I take opinions from who they come from, and if it's some left wing idiot that has no clue doesn't like me or Obeisance, GOOD.

Going back in time, how did Daniel Corchado end up playing on 2002's Lucifer Master? Were you friends? Also, what do you think of The Chasm/Cenotaph?

I don't like to brag but yeah he's my Brother. We've been bros since the 1990 when Cenotaph came to play in Juarez Mexico. I called him when I started Obeisance and spoke with him when he left Cenotaph and started The Chasm. I love both bands but Cenotaph's early unmelodic stuff and The Chasm's stuff with vocals. I don't listen to The Chasm much any more because I don't wanna unconsciously rip off some riffs, like this other dude's band whose made a CAREER out of stealing The Chasm's riffs and arrangements. Daniel & Antonio of the Chasm have helped me by being Obeisance since 1994 up to Lucifer Master which Daniel recorded, produced, played rhythm & lead guitar (along with Julio Viterbo of Shub-Niggurath) on. Obeisance was just me in 1994, Daniel helped me with demo 94 then Antonio joined and we recorded "Hellbent on Slaughter" also in 94. Then “Inferno Eterno” in 1996 and “Lucifer Master” in 2002.

What albums have you been blasting lately? Are there any highlights for you in recent years or do you prefer sticking to the classic(k)s?

Wargasm- Why play around?
Hegemony - debut full length
Diabolic - new one Rips!
Van Halen - misc. Not Van Hagar
Obeisance - 666WAR!!!
Necrophagia LA - The figure 4
Necroseizure - new
But yeah, I stick to the classicks

Can you share with us any crazy stories or anecdotes about past gigs?

Fuck, ok. An old drummer had a couple, we were in San Antonio Texas at the great Sacrifice of the Nazarene Child fest and he was happy! Our set went down well, he fucked this chick with big tits and a big ass and he got drunk. Well, it was held at Sam's burger joint that has big, tasty burger. My old guitarist got a burger, but he wasn't that hungry so our drummer came up and scarfed it down!! The next day we're coming back to El Paso, he felt like vomiting and he puked up a SOFTBALL SIZE vomit, probably the whole burger!! In Queretaro Mexico (on tour with Thornspawn, Morbosidad & Manticore) a kid thought I was the legendary Antimo Buonanno who played that night with Hacavitz. We went to get burgers at 3am & We were refused service at a hotel coz well we're horrible black death metallers and when we finally were lying in bed, we couldn't fall asleep coz we were joking and carrying on with Lou from Manticore and Dobber of Insect Warfare, Braced for Nails & Infernal Dominion who was drumming for Manticore on that tour in Brooklyn NY (on tour with Masacre!). I had to run to the stage, borrow a strap and cable for the borrowed bass I had and the lights went off! and I didn't have a pick for the bass!!! So I assumed I had one in my pocket, NO! It was a coin, but we had to start playing!!! So I played with the coin and it was a great set!! In Mexico City (on tour with Terrorist) when we were taken to our hotel, the promoter warned us if we saw a chick that was really pretty, it was probably a she-male. So after the show we went back to the hotel and a member wanted drugs!! So another friend called somebody and told our member- wait in the street in front of the hotel (in one of the most dangerous cities in the WORLD) the drugs were delivered & as he was going back in to the hotel he saw a pretty blonde and decided to pick HER up. So he went up and said, "Hi! What's your name?" And "she" said " Michelle" in a deep super masculine voice and our member said "ah, ok!" and RAN BACK to the hotel!!

What's the last album you bought?

Necrophagia - The shape of four
Raped God 666 - The Executioner
Hegemony - Enthroned by persecution
Necroseizure - Death of ballturret Gunner

Lastly, what does the future hold in store for Obeisance and Wit Duiwel Records? Long Live The Chivo!!!

THANK YOU for this interview, Great questions!! RESIST THE ANC!!! New Obeisance CD "Nuclear Penetrator" out now!!! Limited edition!! On Cassette thru Warhemic Productions! CD on Wit Duiwel records! Next Obeisance CD "Abominations of Penetrations" coming soon!! With Wit Duiwel records we hope to release CD's by Pyre, Wrath (Germany), Wargrinder, Morbid Macabre-Damn goat re-release, and More! HAILS to you Jim and you, faithful reader.