10 Sept 2024

ALBUM REVIEW: Deconsekrated - Ascension in the Altar of Condemned (2024)


Deconsekrated - Ascension in the Altar of Condemned


Iron, Blood and Death Corporation (CD) / Alkolik Holocaust Records (CD) / Ancient Sounds of Madness Productions (Cassette)  

Deconsekrated's debut album “Ascension in the Altar of Condemned” is a downright crushing slab of blasphemous death metal raised straight from the depths of the Chilean underground.
The powerful production on this release adds a layer of venomous potency to the music that translates well into the performance. Musically, there are some similarities to bands like Morbid Angel, Dead Congregation, Mortem, et al., although Deconsekrated seem to have found a niche for themselves with this style – even if it is somewhat familiar – the music on this release is nothing short of excellent.
Songs like “Ancestral Voice” and “Spectral Rites” are instant bangers and convey a feeling of pure darkness. The brute force of the compositions hits you like a ton of bricks as each track is executed with merciless vigor. The bestial vocals are excellently employed, backed by intense drumming and uncompromising riffs that will peel the skin off your face. Everything feels well-orchestrated and delivered with conviction, even if some of the songs are quite lengthy, the music never lacks depth.
Overall, this is a pretty strong debut from these Chileans that I found myself listening to several times. The only gripe I have with this release is the fact that it’s a little on the short side for an “album” (28 minutes), but other than that there are no real flaws to speak of. Fans of dark and bestial death metal à la Dead Congregation, Azarath, Slaughtbbath, should check it out.