2 Feb 2024

Demo review: Tartarean Vengeance - Genosida (2024)

Tartarean Vengeance - Genosida



Tartarean Vengeance from Singapore is the sole project of Hades (Battlestorm, Nocturnized, Devourer, etc.) and “Genosida” is the debut demo/EP of this project. Expect nothing less than a vile onslaught of bestial black/death metal informed by bands like Impiety, Black Witchery and Incantation. A haunting ambient piece opens this EP, followed by a rivetingly crushing assault of black/death metal infused with waves of skull-exploding distortion that is characteristic of the superlative heaviness of "Genosida". Since this is a demo recording, the sound is quite raw, albeit executed with a degree of proficiency. Despite being only 12 minutes long, this EP gets its point across confidently and provides a taste of what is to come. Furthermore, the cover of ‘Blasphemous Onslaught’ by Black Witchery is an excellent rendition and homage to one of the genre’s greats. Prepare yourself for war, as Tartarean Vengeance pummels you right into the heart of it.